Monday, July 09, 2007

Submissive Urination

Submissive urination occurs when a dog feels threatened. It may occur when he’s being punished or verbally scolded, or when he’s approached by someone he perceives to be threatening to him. It’s important to remember that this response is based on the dog’s perception of a threat, not the person’s actual intention. Submissive urination may resolve as your dog gains confidence, but you can help build his confidence by teaching him commands and rewarding him for obeying. You should also gradually expose him to new people and new situations and try to make sure all of his new experiences are positive and happy.

Your dog may be submissively urinating if:

  • Urination occurs when he’s being scolded.
  • Urination occurs when he’s being greeted.
  • Urination occurs when someone approaches him.
  • He is a somewhat shy, anxious or timid dog.
  • He has a history of rough treatment or punishment after the fact.
  • The urination is accompanied by submissive postures, such as crouching or rolling over to expose his belly.
What to do if your dog has a submissive urination problem:
  • Take your dog to the vet to rule out medical reasons for the behavior.
  • Keep greetings low key.
  • Encourage and reward confident postures from him.
  • Give him an alternative to behaving submissively. For example, if he knows a few commands, have him “sit” or “shake” as you approach, and reward him for obeying.
  • Avoid approaching him with postures that he reads as dominant, for example: Avoid direct eye contact. Look at his back or tail instead.
  • Get down on his level by bending at the knees rather than leaning over from the waist and ask others to approach him in the same way.
  • Pet him under the chin rather than on top of the head.
  • As you approach, present the side of your body to him, rather than your full front, and avert your gaze.
  • Don’t punish or scold him. This will only make the problem worse.
  • Until the problem resolves, you might want to protect your carpet by placing a plastic drop cloth or an absorbent material in the entryway where accidents are most likely to occur. Alternatively, you can purchase “doggie diapers” at your local pet supply store.

Disclaimer: Reading materials in this site are obtained from its respective website and it is for information purposes only. It is not Puppy Cottage Sdn. Bhd. view and it is not to be used against Puppy Cottage Sdn. Bhd.

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